Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Evil Abounds

This world is in turmoil just as the Bible predicted....Evil has been unleashed to a new level that we have never witnessed before & it will continue until the Prince of Peace returns to earth & sets up his Kingdom...Who would have ever dreamed that we would live to see the Atrocities of ISIS? American's cannot continue to stick their head in the sand & pretend that ISIS isn't already on American soil...they are here according to our CIA.

God has been kicked out of almost everything by those who don't believe in God but continue to fight against someone they don't believe exists...America has gone down the road of Socialism & that is a dead end street that leads to nowhere according to history...everything under the sun is now worshiped as being politically correct & those that don't believe in being politically correct are labeled as racists & hate mongers....wrong is called right & right is called wrong.

Is there still hope for this country? I believe so as long as Americans that love this country & are sick & tired of taking a back seat to those intent on taking away our rights will rise to the occasion & take back our great nation.....some are trying to wipe our American history off the map so the new generations can be brain washed into believing whatever these Socialists tell them about anything. 

We kill our unborn on one end of the spectrum & more & more we hear about Euthanasia on the other end of the spectrum.....(Killing off the elderly & disabled).....These are the people that the "elite powers to be" proclaim are unfit to contribute to our society. Didn't Adolph Hitler do the same thing?

A wise man once said in his Gettsyburg address, "That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." (Abraham Lincoln) The sleeping giant of this generation has awaken & we will take our country back so get used to the idea

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