Much can be said about a person’s character by the words they use. Robert Frost, the poet, once said, “Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and cannot and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it.” Dynamite is stored and moved with great caution because of the knowledge we have of the power it possesses to destroy. Likewise, Christians have something as powerful as dynamite. Yet, very often it is handled as if there is no danger at all. It is the words that come out of our mouths. We need to examine the importance of controlling the words we speak
What we put into our minds determines what comes out in our words and actions. Careless words reveal the true inner character of the speaker. Careless words show what sort of person we really are. Toxic thoughts left alone become the toxic waste that sinks into our heart. They will eventually contaminate our whole life. They affect our self-image and out attitude towards life and others. When something is “toxic” it is poisonous and it can harm us. When we constantly dwell on wrong thoughts, these thoughts become “toxic” and these “toxic” thoughts become “toxic words.”
Gossip is particular toxic. The toxic words of a gossiper are like a deadly cancer, which spreads a deadly infection. Gossip destroys people, tarnishes more reputations, breaks more friendships and splits more churches than anything else. Gossip is told quickly, heard quickly and spreads quickly. Worst of all gossip is quickly believed. People will confess to theft, adultery and even murder but hardly anyone confesses to gossip. It is wise to avoid people who gossip. Suppose we put one “rotten” apple in with a barrel of “good” apples? That one “rotten” apple will cause all the “good” apples to rot.
As the moral climate of our society has been deteriorating, lying and deceit have become major problems. God considered lying to be such a serious matter that He included the avoidance of it as one of the Ten Commandments. “Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” (Exodus 20:16) KJV Satan is the origin of every lie. Lying has a snow balling effect. Unless it is stopped, it becomes fatal. One lie leads to another and then another lie to try and cover up the previous lies. God warns us about lying. The Bible tells us that God has sealed the destiny of “liars.” “All liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with brimstone and fire.” (Revelation 21:8) KJV Notice that God uses the word “all.” If a person steals they can return the item. However, if a person spreads lies about someone the far reaching effects can never be undone.
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