Friday, May 3, 2013


The basic condition for a civilization is that there be law and order. Obviously, this is coming to an end. A pattern of lawlessness is dominating our society today that was found throughout history in civilizations that were in the process of decline. It is a pattern evident in nations that rejected God’s word as the ultimate authority in their lives. We have become a nation obsessed with crime, violence and immorality. In the last four decades there has been a strong move in our whole society to throw off the “fetters” of law, particularly Biblical restraints. “Let us break their chains, they say, and throw off their fetters.” (Psalm 2:23) NIV A “fetter” is anything that serves to restrain or restrict. Biblical “fetters” have been removed from our nation.

The world has entered a time of dramatic and ominous change. Today we call wrong right and right wrong. Many secular as well as religious authorities recognize that these are days of extraordinary times. Even the most seasoned newsmen who have “seen it all” are in awe of world developments in recent years. We have reached the day in which the prophet Isaiah wrote about thousands of years ago. “Woe to them that call evil good and good evil.”(Isaiah 5:20) KJV It is a fact that darkness and light cannot occupy the same space.

Our universe is a universe of law. Sometimes things appear chaotic, but this is in appearance only. The tiniest cells operate with incredible order. Planets move through the heavens with precision. Natural lives proceed all around us in a complex and well-organized system. The exception to this, of course, is “man” who has fallen into sin and who has refused to live by God’s order. The Bible teaches us that in His timing God always judges lawlessness. What would our world be without law? It would be something like a six way intersection with out a stoplight and automobiles speeding through at 100 miles per hour from all directions. For sure, it would be a world in which few of us would want to live.

Man has pushed the self-destruction button. Foundations of godliness have crumbled. Things that were once considered sacred are now scorned and ridiculed. Immorality and violence are out of control. More people have been killed in warfare in this century than at any other time in history. Devastating weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical & biological) are now available. For the first time in human history we now have the capacity to destroy ourselves. We are trying to build a peaceful world, but there is no peace within people’s hearts.

The world is drowning in discouragement and uncertainty. As we approach the end times, the Bible indicates that the human race will become exceedingly lawless.  It is apparent that the complete disobedience to Biblical law creates an atmosphere of wickedness and lawlessness.

 “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.”  Source: Ariel Durant. Ariel was a Russian born American writer and Historian. (May 10, 1898-October 25, 1981)

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