What is a critical spirit? A “critical spirit” is an obsessive attitude of criticism and faultfinding, which seeks to tear down others. The only criticism that is ever constructive is that which is expressed in love to “build up” and not to tear down. It is always expressed face to face and never behind someone’s back. The person with a critical spirit usually dwells on the negative, seeks for flaws rather than good. They are complainers, usually upset, and generally have a problem or a complaint about something. They often have little control over their tongue and temper.
There is something very damaging about a critical spirit. Over time, when left un-checked, it prevents one from seeing and appreciating all that is truly good in the world and all that God is actively doing. A critical spirit is like putting on sunglasses at night. Everything in life begins to take on a dark, drab color. Critical people not only hurt themselves but they are also affecting others as well. Those who have a positive attitude will avoid those who have a critical, negative attitude. People that are critical usually lack self-esteem. They criticize other people because that makes them feel better about themselves.
Having a critical spirit and a reckless judgmental attitude is setting up ourselves as God. A critical spirit discourages others. Rather than looking to others with a critical spirit and judging them, we should rather look to ourselves and judge ourselves. Only by evaluating ourselves will we be able to resist the temptation to evaluate others. God is the ultimate judge of all things. We usually don’t have all the facts and we certainly don’t have the ability to look into someone’s heart. Therefore, as believers we should never engage in the kind of absolute criticism and condemnation that so many people do.
Negative and critical people come with warning signs. They live in a state of perpetual doom and gloom. They begin every sentence with negative statements. They make snide and disrespectful remarks to and about others. They are obnoxious and spread negativity like poison and they are ultimately the people who cause us the most negative stress in our lives. This kind of attitude has no place in the life of a Christian. A critical attitude can hinder our walk with God and suck the joy and energy from our lives. I have learned when I encounter a negative person to never listen to their nonsense.
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