I taught a ladies Bible study series on angels in 2008. These are excerpts from my Bible study notes. The word “angel” comes from the Greek word aggelos, which means “messenger” The Hebrew word “mal’ak” means the same thing. The study of angels is a fascinating subject. In this humanistic age in which we live very few people understand the truth about angels. Most people believe in angles, but there are many misconceptions about them. Scripture warns us that "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.'' (2 Corinthians 11:14) KJV Don’t believe everything you hear, read or see in movies about angels. God has told us everything that He wants us to know about angels in His Holy Word.
What is Angelology? Angelology is the study of angels. A good Biblical understanding of Angelology will tell us what the Bible has to say about angels. It is a study of how the angels relate to humanity and serve God’s purpose.
What are angels? They are spirit beings created by God. While it is clear that angels minister to Christians in a variety of ways while we are still living, there is yet another service they perform when we die. “And it came to pass that the beggar died (Lazarus) and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died and was buried” (Luke 16:22) KJV In contrast the Bible lets us know that the rich man did not have an angel escort. It simple says that he died and was buried.
God is a God of diversity. Scientists tell us that there are no two-snow flakes that are identical. Every human is different. Angels are different from each other. It appears from Scripture that angels are not confined to any specific appearance. They assume various forms and appearances according to the nature of the work they are required to perform and to the will of God. The most important characteristic of angels is not that they have power to exercise over our lives, or that they are beautiful, but that they work on our behalf.
How many angels did God create? We do not know the exact number. Apostle Paul tells us in (Hebrews 12:22) KJV “There is an innumerable company of angels.” Innumerable simply means too many to be counted or numbered. “The number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands.” (Revelation 5:11) KJV